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AMS Microscopy Training Funds

Proposals Due March 1st

Direct questions to The AMS Grants and Awards Committee at

AMS Microscopy Training Funds are used to support the learning of microscopical techniques, microscopes, and other imaging devices.  AMS Microscopy Training Funds up to $1000 can be requested for two purposes. First, graduate student, postdoc, and regular members may request funds to attend academic courses, workshops, or one-on-one instruction to learn how to use any microscopical technique or imaging device. Second, an AMS member who is serving as an organizer of a public workshop on any microscopical technique or imaging device may request funds in support of their workshop.


Guidelines for Proposals Requesting funds for Microscopy Training by Graduate Students, PostDocs, and Regular members:

1.     Current CV (2 pages maximum).

2.     A description of the training opportunity (2 pages maximum), that includes:

a.      a description of how the training will occur: e.g., an academic course, a workshop, or private lessons.

b.     a description of the anticipated professional significance of the training, e.g., how will your research or professional development be enhanced.

c.      a budget with justification. Funds can be used for fees, supplies, use of equipment, and travel (travel to meetings and publication costs are not supported).

d.     Information about other funding you have for this training.

3.     Graduate students are required to include a letter of support from their research advisor. Contact details for the advisor must be included in the letter.


Guidelines for Proposals Requesting funds for Microscopy Training by Organizers of Workshops:

1.     Current CVs of the Organizers and Instructors (2 pages maximum).

2.     A description of the training opportunity offered by the workshop (2 pages maximum), that includes:

a.     a description of the learning goals for the workshop.

b.     a schedule of events for the workshop, including the instructors/leaders for each event.

c.      A budget with justification. Funds can be used for fees, supplies, and use of equipment.

d.     Information about other funding the organizers have in support of the workshop.


Email complete proposals as a single PDF file by March 1st to with the subject line: Microscopy Training Funds Proposal

​Recipients of Training Award

​2024 Recipients Training Awards

  • Joanna VanDyke, University of Massachusetts Lowell

  • Ella Nickllin, University of Florida

​2023 Recipients Training Award

  • Emily O’Hara, Tropical Australian Stinger Research Unit, Australian Institute for Tropical Health and Medicine, James Cook University, Australia

  • Bridget Vincent, University of California Santa Barbara

​2019 Recipients
Meghan Yap-Chiongo

2018 Recipients
Allan Carrillo-Baltodano
Project Title: A microscopical view of annelid biology.

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